Research Projects

NB-CHIP validation and COPD/ Asthma case-identification pilot study

Information about this project is available on our data partner’s website: New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training (NB-IRDT) at the University of New Brunswick.   Go to NB-IRDT…

Chronic disease prevention and management
New Brunswick

Human Organ and Tissue Donation Act in Nova Scotia

Improving access to care
Nova Scotia

Therapeutic interventions for COVID-19

Chronic disease prevention and management
Nova Scotia

Therapeutic Interventions for COVID-19, search updating – artesunate

Chronic disease prevention and management
Nova Scotia

Transitions in Care

Improving access to care
Nova Scotia

Children with Medical Complexity

This project aims to better understand the population of children with medical complexity in the Maritimes.


Osteoarthritis in the Maritimes

This project examines characteristics of people living with and without OA in the Maritime Provinces, and trends in the health care use by Nova Scotians with and without OA.

Chronic disease prevention and management
Nova Scotia

Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19 on Nova Scotians

This project is investigating the impacts of COVID-19 on mental health of Nova Scotians and examining trends in mental health service use before and during the pandemic.

Mental health and addictions
Nova Scotia

Research Projects