Patient Engagement Opportunities

Patient Engagement is patient-oriented research. It happens when Patient/Public Partners partner with staff and research teams to improve health care by meaningfully engaging in research governance, priority setting, developing research questions, or performing certain parts of the research.

Patient Participation is when the patient and/or public is enrolled in a study as a subject. For example, research study participants could be asked to complete a survey or take part in focus groups. The MSSU supports recruitment of participants for research projects that have already engaged Patient/Public Partners as members of the research team. 

See below for current patient-oriented research opportunities

Cardiac Rehab Experiences

Horizon Health is looking for individuals who have undergone cardio
Deadline: July 31, 2024 4:00 pm
Paramedic pushing an empty stretcher into an ambulance

A Patient-Oriented Realist Evaluation Protocol: Optimizing Non-Acute Interfacility Transfers in Nova Scotia’s Emergency Health Services

Patients in Nova Scotia with experience of interfacility transfers.
Deadline: August 1, 2024 4:00 pm

Anesthesia Patient Reported Outcomes Workshop

Patient Participation for workshop on anesthesia patient reported outcomes.
Deadline: August 31, 2024 4:00 pm
A young girl looking in a mirror squeezing her stomach.

A body! Who cares? Impact of body perception on disordered eating

Patient/Public Partners with lived experience of an eating disorder.
Deadline: August 8, 2024 4:00 pm
Pouring a bottle of pills into cupped hand.

Opioid Stewardship for Acute Pain in the Acute Care Setting

Patient/Public Partners with lived experience of opioid-related harm
Institution: Nova Scotia Health
Deadline: July 27, 2024 4:00 pm
A mother at the bedside of her child sleeping in a hospital room.

Exploring the use of Social Media Support Groups for Caregivers of Children with Cancer

Patient/Public Partners with lived experience of a child with cancer
Institution: University of New Brunswick
Deadline: August 31, 2024 4:00 pm

The Engagement of People with Lived Experience of Dementia (EPLED): Advisory Group Recruitment

Patient/Public Partners needed for dementia Advisory Group
Institution: Toronto Rehabilitation Institute - University Health Network
Deadline: July 15, 2024 4:00 pm

New Brunswick youths’ experiences seeking a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) referral

Seeking youth diagnosed with FASD in the New Brunswick
Institution: Vitalité Health Network, MSSU
Deadline: June 1, 2024 4:00 pm
ICU monitor in the foreground with a hospital bed in the background.

Critical Care Medicine: Priority Setting Partnership (PSP)

Help identify the Top 10 priorities for critical care.
Institution: University of Calgary
Deadline: June 12, 2024 4:00 pm
Pharmacist reaching for box of medicine

Increasing Access to Care Through Pharmacist Prescribing for Infectious Syndromes

What services should pharmacists in the community provide for patients
Institution: Dalhousie University
Deadline: July 8, 2024 4:00 pm

Patient Engagement Opportunities