NB Council of Advisors Reported Findings

NB Council of Advisors Reported Findings

Council of Advisors – New Brunswick – Reported Findings
November 1, 2016

This report shares discussions and outcomes from an engagement session hosted by the MSSU New Brunswick Provincial Advisory Committee (PAC), which took place on November 1, 2016. The principle objectives of the Council of Advisors engagement session was to gain an understanding of the common issues health partners have in delivering their mandate and what evidence is required to address these issues.


Council of Advisors – New Brunswick – Reported Findings
February 25, 2016

This report shares discussions and outcomes from an engagement session hosted by the MSSU New Brunswick Provincial Advisory Committee (PAC), which took place on February 25, 2016. The principle objectives of the Council of Advisors engagement session was to gain an understanding of the common issues health providers have in delivering their mandate and what evidence is required to address these issues.


NB Council of Advisors Reported Findings