Abstract Submissions - CLOSED
The Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit (MSSU) has closed the Call for Abstracts for our 2024 Maritime Health Research Summit. Abstracts were welcomed from all disciplines – including community-based research, quality improvement initiatives, academic research, and program or policy initiatives that involve engagement with patients as part of the work.
The Summit theme is Moving the Dial on Learning Health Systems. This meeting is your opportunity to share your Patient-Oriented Research with others conducting or supporting Patient-Oriented Research in the Maritimes. Abstract submissions may be for oral presentations or posters.
Abstract Guidelines
Presentation Formats
Abstracts can be submitted for work that is complete or in progress. You can also submit an abstract for new ideas or initiatives for which you would like to receive feedback or engagement from others. If your work will not be completed by the conference date, describe anticipated results or impacts.
Oral Presentations
Abstracts for oral presentations should be for work that is either complete or will be complete by the conference date. These sessions will be grouped into themes by the Summit Organizing Committee. Abstracts focused on Learning Health Systems will be prioritized for oral presentations. If not accepted as an oral presentation, abstracts will be considered for poster presentations.
Presentation Categories
As noted above, abstracts are welcomed from all disciplines and must have some form of community, patient, or public engagement (partnership) in the work described.
Scientific/Academic Research: These projects should demonstrate use of scientific methodology and provide evidence-based conclusions.
Quality Improvement/Embedded Research Projects: These projects should describe work that was implemented at the system level to impact service delivery, or program/policy initiatives likely to be of interest to the audience. These may describe new or ongoing programs or policies or future initiatives that would benefit from receiving feedback from a diverse range of partners.
Community-based Research: These projects use a participatory approach and are driven by community priorities, with the community involved throughout the project.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts must be submitted online.
Abstracts are to be about 350 words (or max. 2500 characters) and should include the following information:
• Background and objectives or approach
• Methods (for scientific or community-based research)
• Results or anticipated impacts
• Conclusion
We encourage authors to consider and reflect on the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in their submissions.
Review Process
The meeting will be organized according to common themes of the abstracts accepted. Each abstract will be reviewed by MSSU staff and Patient/Public Partners to determine:
a) whether the subject matter is appropriate and suitable for the meeting;
b) whether instructions and presentation format requirements described in this Call for Abstracts were followed; and
c) whether the community, patient, or public partners are engaged in the project in a meaningful way
d) the overall quality of the abstract.
Meeting Participation/ Registration
All individuals attending the conference (including presenters) are required to register. There is no registration fee. Poster presenters will be expected to attend the conference and remain available for viewing in-person at their poster during the scheduled time. Abstract details will be shared with summit attendees and may be published online.