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2024 Maritime Health Research Summit
October 24, 2024 | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
The Summit
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2024 Maritime Health Research Summit: Moving the Dial on Learning Health Systems. This one-day event was a collaboration of experts shaping the future of healthcare through continuous learning and improvement.
The event brought together patients, the public, and healthcare professionals for presentations, discussions, and networking opportunities.
Learn more about the research presented in our Book of Abstracts. Links will be added soon to watch our Keynote Speakers.

Agenda at a glance
Time | Park Centre Ballroom | Commodore Room |
7:30 – 8:25
8:25 -8:45 | Moderator/Opening Remarks | |
8:45 – 9:15 | Keynote Speaker: Shelley Vanderhout | |
9:20 – 10:05 | Concurrent 1A | Concurrent 1B |
10:05 – 10:25 | BREAK | |
10:25 – 11:10 | Concurrent 2A | Concurrent 2B |
11:15 – 11:45 | MSSU Trainee Support Program Recipients Talks | |
11:45 – 12:45 | LUNCH | |
12:45 – 1:15 | Keynote Speaker: Amy Folkes | |
1:20 – 2:05 | Concurrent 3A | Concurrent 3B |
2:05 – 2:25 | BREAK | |
2:25 – 3:05 | LHS in Action: Maritime case examples | |
3:05 – 3:50 | LHS Leaders Panel | |
3:50 – 4:00 | Closing Comments | |
4:00 – 5:00 | POSTER SESSION |
Presentation Instructions
Preparing Your Presentation
- The presentation can be prepared in a format of your choice (e.g., PowerPoint, Canva).
- The first slide must include the abstract title and presenter name.
- Please see the accessibility guide for additional recommendations.
Arriving at your presentation room
- Please arrive at the room where your presentation is scheduled prior to the start time. There is 5 minutes (minimum) scheduled between sessions to allow time for movement between rooms.
- The location of your session (one of two rooms) will be found in the conference program, which will be released in September.
Presentation logistics
- The presentations will proceed in the order listed in the program.
- There will be a moderator in each room who will introduce you and keep the session on time.
- Presenters will be given 10 minutes for their presentation, and 5 minutes for the Q&A portion. In order to proceed on schedule, presentations will be held firm to this time allotment.
Sending your presentation
- Please send your presentation to Shelley Strickland (Shelley.Strickland@nshealth.ca) by Monday, October 21st so that presentations can be combined for concurrent sessions.
- Slides will be loaded onto the computer for you at the time of your scheduled presentation.
If you have any questions or need advice related to the preparation of your oral presentation, please contact Claire Keenan: claire.keenan@nshealth.ca.
Preparing Your Poster
- Posters are to be printed to fit onto a poster board (image below).
- The size of the poster may not exceed 4 feet (48”) high x 8 feet (96”) wide.
- Please ensure all authors are listed on the poster.
- Thumbtacks will be provided to attach your poster to the board.
- Make sure the font size is large enough that it is easy to read.
- Use images and graphs wherever possible to convey information in a way that is easy for people to understand.
Poster set-up
- There will be limited time to set up your poster in advance of the of the poster session, so please arrive at your poster promptly at the beginning of the poster session to set-up.
- Please take down your poster when the session is complete.
- The location of your session (one of two rooms) will be found
in the conference program.
If you have any questions or need advice related to the preparation of your poster presentation, please contact Claire Keenan: claire.keenan@nshealth.ca.
Preparing Your Presentation
- The presentation can be prepared in a format of your choice (e.g., PowerPoint, Canva).
- The first slide must include the abstract title and presenter name.
- Please see the accessibility guide for additional recommendations.
Arriving at your presentation room
- Please arrive at the room where your presentation is scheduled prior to the start time. There is 5 minutes (minimum) scheduled between sessions to allow time for movement between rooms.
- The location of your session (one of two rooms) will be found in the conference program, which will be released in September.
Presentation logistics
- The presentations will proceed in the order listed in the program.
- There will be a moderator in each room who will introduce you and keep the session on time.
- Presenters will be given 7 minutes for their presentation, and 3 minutes for the Q&A portion. In order to proceed on schedule, presentations will be held firm to this time allotment.
Sending your presentation
- Please send your presentation to Shelley Strickland (Shelley.Strickland@nshealth.ca) by Monday, October 21st so that presentations can be combined for concurrent sessions.
- Slides will be loaded onto the computer for you at the time of your scheduled presentation.
If you have any questions or need advice related to the preparation of your oral presentation, please contact Claire Keenan: claire.keenan@nshealth.ca.
240 Brownlow Avenue
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Detailed Agenda
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Poster session details and all abstracts can be found in the Summit Program (PDF).
7:30 – 8:25: BREAKFAST
MSSU Capacity Development Coordinator Sharon Skaling will start the conference with our Land Acknowledgement.
Welcome from the MSSU: Dr. David Anderson, MSSU Nominated Principal Investigator (Virtual)
Introduction to Learning Health Systems: Dr. Christine Cassidy, MSSU Science Co-Lead, Learning Health Systems (outgoing)
Location: Park Centre Ballroom
Dr. Shelley Vanderhout
Scientist in Learning Health Systems at Trillium Health Partners’ Institute for Better Health
Building a Canadian Learning Health System community
Dr. Vanderhout’s primary focus is on co-developing evidence-based methods to establish, implement and advance learning health systems that are centred on patients and families. Her program of research engages patient, caregiver, and community partners to understand how they can be involved in co-design, priority setting, and knowledge translation in learning health systems. Dr. Vanderhout has developed a robust body of literature that informs how these partners can be equitably and meaningfully involved in research that informs health care. Her work also explores how digital health tools can impact the equity-focused Quadruple Aim: better health outcomes, good experiences for patients and providers, lower system costs, and equitable access to care for all. Learn more about Dr. Vanderhout.
Location: Park Centre Ballroom
Knowledge to Policy
Moderator: Elizabeth Lappin
Thomas Brothers, Maya Lowe & Landon Morton: Co-production of hospital inpatient substance use policies for the Medical Teaching Unit at the Halifax Infirmary
Alexa Yakubovich: Investigating systems responses to violence against women across three Canadian provinces: Findings from The Interprovincial Violence Against Women Project
Virginia McIntyre: Peer support networks for people with chronic pain: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Location: Park Centre Ballroom
Practice to Data
Moderator: Claire Keenan
Luis Chavez: The socio-economic burden of Cystic Fibrosis in Canada
Rebecca Jones: Implementing Lactation/Infant Feeding Rooms at Cape Breton University: A Community Clinical and Research Project
Natalia Fana: Improving the Health care Experience of Children and Families through the Community Social Pediatrics Model.
Location: Commodore Room
10:05 – 10:25: BREAK
The cycle of Data, Knowledge, and Practice
Moderator: Kristy Hancock
Katelyn Arbeau: CAPS: Coordinated Aging in Place Services with Team-Based Primary Health Care – Implementation and sustainability quality initiative
Caitilin McArthur: Developing a resident-centered data-informed care planning improvement intervention in long-term care
Judah Goldstein: Outcomes of a Community Paramedic Service to Support Emergency Department Discharge: A Case Series
Location: Park Centre Ballroom
Patients, Caregivers, and Communities
Moderator: Donna Rubenstein
Leslie Hill and Joe Baltzer: The re-established Patient Family Advisory Council of the Nova Scotia Health Cancer Care Program: expanded, equity-focused membership and a new model of onboarding
Jillian Banfield: Integrating Patient Partners in Peer Review: Lessons Learned from the Rare Disease Research Initiative
Rachel Giacomantonio: The Role of Patients, Caregivers, and Communities in Learning Health Systems: a Narrative Review
Location: Commodore Room
Moderator: Sharon Skaling
Madison Hickey: A Way Forward: A scoping review considering evidence-based interventions to mitigate burnout in critical care nurses
Adrienne Thornton: “They don’t judge you, and they treat you like a human”: Understanding the Experiences of Program Users in An Injectable Opioid Agonist Treatment Program
Momina Raja: Sleep for health in hospital and at home: The need to prioritize sleep for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their parents
Location: Park Centre Ballroom
11:45 – 12:45: LUNCH
Amy Folkes
Senior Director, Planning, Performance and Evaluation within the Quality and Learning Health Systems portfolio of Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services.
Learning Health and Social System – A pathway to transformation for Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services
Amy Folkes is the Senior Director, of Planning, Performance and Evaluation within the Quality and Learning Health Systems portfolio of Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services (NL Health Services). This team is responsible for evaluation, performance/accountability requirements, strategic planning and a provincial policy office, with a purposeful role to support a pathway to a Learning Health and Social System. Amy is passionate about transformative change throughout NL Health Services, that is grounded in a co-design approach between NLHS, its internal and external system partners, and most importantly – patients and families.
Location: Park Centre Ballroom
Research & Evaluation
Moderator: Mary Byers
Jennifer Isenor & Carla Garrett: Patient Perceptions of Pharmacist Provided Primary Care
Justine Dol: Developing Essential Coaching for Every Partner, an mHealth postnatal intervention for non-birthing parents (or practice)
Ruth Lavergne: Changing administrative workload in primary care in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: Understanding the challenges and exploring solutions
Location: Park Centre Ballroom
Equitable Health Care
Moderator: Rachel Giacomantonio
Keisha Jefferies: A critical examination of the social and structural factors impacting People of African Descent with uterine fibroids in Nova Scotia
Eileen Kilfoil, Kendra Slawter: Transforming Lung Cancer Screening in NS: A Person-Centred, Equitable, Inclusive and Accessible Approach
Ifeyinwa Mbakogu, Lotanna Odiyi, Remi Agu: Voices That Count: Providing Culturally Inclusive Mental Health and Substance Use Health Service Delivery to Youth of African Descent
Location: Commodore Room
2:05 – 2:25: BREAK
Case examples from across the Maritimes
Moderator: Elizabeth Lappin
Brigitte Sonier-Ferguson, Charline Morrison (virtual) – Learning Communities: Building on what is strong
Dr. Christine Cassidy, Jackie Pidduck, Grace MacIntyre – Applying a learning health system approach on our journey to improve transition of care: Lessons learned along the way
Location: Park Centre Ballroom
Moderator: Amy Grant, Jennifer Taylor
Shelley Vanderhout
Amy Folkes
Christine Cassidy
Jackie Pidduck
Patient/Public Partner (Transition of Care Committee)
Location: Park Centre Ballroom
Speaker: Dr. Lori Wozney, MSSU Science Lead, Learning Health Systems (incoming)
Location: Park Centre Ballroom
For a complete list of all poster presentations and locations, please see the Summit Program (PDF).
Location: Commodore Room and Hall
À propos du sommet
Cet automne, l’Unité de SOUTIEN SRAP des Maritimes réunira les patients, le public et les personnes travaillant dans le domaine des soins de santé et de la recherche en santé à l’occasion du Sommet de la recherche en santé des Maritimes, une conférence gratuite d’une journée qui aura lieu à Dartmouth, en Nouvelle-Écosse. Le thème de la conférence, « Faire bouger les choses en matière de systèmes de santé apprenants », permettra de combler le fossé entre la recherche et la pratique clinique.
Des chefs de file de tout le pays présenteront les pratiques de pointe en matière de systèmes de santé apprenants grâce à des exposés, des tables rondes et des présentations. Une salle de réseautage offrant des présentations sous forme d’affiches mettra en lumière la recherche axée sur le patient, favorisera la collaboration et offrira des possibilités d’apprentissage aux participants.
L’événement et toutes les présentations se dérouleront en anglais.
240, av. Brownlow
Dartmouth, NS
Dates importantes
7 juin – Début des soumissions de résumés
25 juilette – Début des inscriptions
8 juilette – Fin des soumissions de résumés
Août – Annonce des résumés
25 septembre – Date limite de réservation pour l’hôtel
À DÉTERMINER – Fin des inscriptions
24 octobre – Début du sommet