Become a MSSU Scientist

Join a growing community of MSSU scientists across the Maritimes

We welcome the involvement of researchers in the Maritimes who have a commitment to supporting and/or pursuing patient-oriented research by engaging Patient/Public Partners in the research process to apply for scientific membership with the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit. 

Membership benefits & opportunities

  • MSSU scientists can supervise MSSU-funded trainees
  • Access to MSSU trainee support funding
  • Discounted rates on data access
  • Can serve on MSSU committees and cross-provincial collaborative projects
  • Network with decision-makers and other Maritime researchers
  • Access to MSSU Scientist Update newsletter featuring new publications

You do not have to be a university researcher to become a member

If you have research responsibilities at an affiliated hospital (such as an administrator at a health authority), you can apply for membership. There are two types of membership:

MSSU Associate Scientists (university). Applicants must:

  • Hold an academic appointment at a university/affiliated research institution, or an appointment with research responsibilities at an affiliated hospital/research centre/institute in the Maritimes.
  • Be eligible to independently hold grants and supervise trainees.
  • AND, any one of the following:
    • People with lived experience are included as partners on your research team and engaged in all stages of the research process in a way that is meaningful for them and according to their choice and interests.
    • You can demonstrate that your research answers questions and measures outcomes that matter to patients, or that participatory methods were used throughout the research process to engage people with lived experience in making decisions about your health research.
    • You are a champion for patient-oriented research and actively advocate for engaging people with lived and living experience as partners in research.

MSSU Affiliate Scientist (non-university) is a more flexible option designed for individuals who do not hold an academic appointment. Applicants must be engaged in patient-oriented, evidence implementation research, and may be:

  • An affiliated member of a university/affiliated research institution, hospital/research centre/institute in the Maritimes, for example instructors, adjunct or emeritus faculty, OR
  • An administrator at a provincial, national, or international, government or non-governmental, organization, OR
  • A resident, postdoctoral fellow, or other senior trainee.
  • AND, any one of the following:
    • People with lived experience are included as partners on your research team and engaged in all stages of the research process in a way that is meaningful for them and according to their choice and interests.
    • You can demonstrate that your research answers questions and measures outcomes that matter to patients, or that participatory methods were used throughout the research process to engage people with lived experience in making decisions about your health research.
    • You are a champion for patient-oriented research and actively advocate for engaging people with lived and living experience as partners in research.

Applying for membership

For full membership guidelines or to receive an application in another format, please contact Marina Hamilton. 




As an MSSU affiliate scientist, my experience has been both eye-opening and empowering. Working within the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit has expanded my understanding of patient-oriented research and collaboration with communities. It's not just about doing research; it's about appreciating different viewpoints in healthcare decisions. Engaging directly with patients, combined with the resources from MSSU, has not only improved my research but also allowed me to contribute more meaningfully to healthcare in our region.
Dr. Mark Embrett

MSSU Scientists

Meet the more than 180 researchers who joined the MSSU as Associate or Affiliate Scientists.

Become a MSSU Scientist