MSSU NS Council of Advisors Report

MSSU NS Council of Advisors Report

The Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit (MSSU) Provincial Advisory Committee’s (PAC) role is to guide MSSU subject areas for patient oriented research, and assist the Department of Health and Wellness and the District Health Authorities in contextualizing study findings and implementing health policy and health service changes.

The inaugural Council of Advisors stakeholder engagement events are the first opportunity for health stakeholders in the Maritimes to contribute to the priority setting process for the PAC. Each of the Maritime Provinces holds engagement sessions in their communities to inform the Provincial Advisory Committees of local issues and opportunities in delivering high-quality and accessible health services to their populations. The first Nova Scotia Council of Advisors session took place on January 29th, 2016, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The principle objectives of the Council of Advisors engagement session is to gain an understanding of the common issues health stakeholders have in delivering their mandate and what evidence is required to address these issues. The event included members of the MSSU’s Nova Scotia Provincial Advisory Committee and invitations to representatives from a variety of healthcare organizations and departments in Nova Scotia.

Read more in the full report here.

MSSU NS Council of Advisors Report