New Brunswick youths’ experiences seeking a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) referral

New Brunswick youths’ experiences seeking a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) referral

About this opportunity

Position Type: Patient Participant

Researchers from Vitalité Health Network, the Maritime SPOR Support Unit, and Université de Moncton would like to conduct interviews with those who would like to share their experiences navigating the healthcare system before being referred to the NB FASD Centre of Excellence for their project: The Endless Waiting Game: A Patient-Researcher co-led qualitative study on New Brunswick youths’ experiences seeking a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) referral.

To qualify, you must be:
-Aged 13-20 years at the time of the interview
-Diagnosed with FASD at the NB FASD Centre of Excellence
-Able to recall your experience before your referral to the Centre
-Be a resident of New Brunswick
-Be fluent in English or French
-Have access to a phone or internet

Time commitment:
One 30-60-minute interview done via telephone or Zoom with the youth and one 15-minute pre-interview done with the parent/guardian (as applicable). All participants will receive compensation for their time with us.

Study Details:

This study will help identify what they experienced while navigating the healthcare system and the barriers to care they faced prior to receiving a referral. Understanding their experience during this pre-referral trajectory will help increase the accessibility to post-referral care and contribute to improved care, better case management, and a more sensitive, holistic approach to referring youths for FASD.

Please contact Carly Demont, Research Consultant at Vitalité Health Network, if interested in participating.

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New Brunswick youths' experiences seeking a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) referral