Patient-Oriented Research Training Practicum
The Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit offers a 2.5-hour Patient-Oriented Research training practicum for individuals who have completed the four modules of the CIHR-IMHA’s e-learning A How-to-Guide to Patient Engagement in Research. This hands-on practicum focuses on patient engagement in the Maritimes and provides practical advice, resources, and opportunities for networking and discussion.
Our content is responsive to the learning needs of participants and aims to help participants take the first steps in patient engagement in research, offering guidance to address common challenges and ensure meaningful engagement. Topics may include: recruiting for diversity, creating welcoming inclusive spaces, navigating power dynamics, considerations for engaging people who have experienced inequities, and trauma-informed engagement practices.
To register:
Contact Shelley Strickland and please provide the following information:
- Name
- Province
- Role (trainee, Patient/Public Partner, researcher etc.)
- Institution
- How you found out about the MSSU POR Practicum
- Attach your CIHR-IMHA Certificate of Completion
Registration deadline is one week before each training date to ensure pre-reading is sent to you.
Please note that to provide the best possible experience for everyone, we need a certain number of participants. If registration does not meet the required minimum, we may need to reschedule or cancel the event.