Exploring the use of Social Media Support Groups for Caregivers of Children with Cancer

Exploring the use of Social Media Support Groups for Caregivers of Children with Cancer

Location: Atlantic Canada
Role description: Research Team Member
Available positions: 4
Deadline to apply: August 31, 2024

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Researchers are currently seeking to explore the use of social media (e.g., Facebook) support groups for caregivers during and beyond their child’s diagnosis of cancer.

Engagement will be online (virtual) and includes:

  • providing input on the study questions and method
  • planning effective ways to recruit participants for the study
  • offering perspectives on study results and their impact on families
  • identifying ways to share the results of the study with families

Who can apply?

  • Caregivers with lived experience (i.e., whose child is currently in remission from cancer) who are interested in providing valuable input and feedback during the beginning, middle, and end phases of the current research project.
  • Persons living in an Atlantic province (Nfld., N.B., N.S., P.E.I.)

Time commitment:
Patient partners will meet with the research team over the next 1-2 years for a total of 3-4 times. They will be given $40 after each meeting.

How to apply

Only those selected will be contacted. 

Exploring the use of Social Media Support Groups for Caregivers of Children with Cancer