Watch online: Information in Action Series

Watch online: Information in Action Series

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The following recordings from the Fall 2019 Information in Action Lunch and Learn series are now online:

  • Stuff You Need to Know as a Knowledge Creator – from Educators to Researchers and Beyond – Presented by staff from NSHA Research & Innovation, NSHA Library Services, Dalhousie University, and the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit
  • Building Your Team with the Right People from the Get-go – Presented by Lara Killian, Katie McLean, Trish Bilski, and Dr. Paul Bonnar
  • The “Who” and “When” of Integrated Knowledge Translation: Tailoring Your Message to a Real-world Audience – Presented by Julia Kontak and Rachel Ogilvie
  • Value & Impact: Making Your Research Count – Presented by Melissa Helwig, Melissa Rothfus, and Dr. R. Lee Kirby
  • Developing your research question – Presented by Dr. Jennifer Payne
  • Speaking PubMed’s Language: How to Translate Your Research Question and Run a Productive Search – Presented by Leah Boulos and Katie McLean
  • Research Designs and Bias: Part 1 and Part 2 – Presented by Dr. Amy Grant

Watch the seminar recordings

Watch online: Information in Action Series